The RISE Program

Leveraging professional skills to help social enterprises thrive

Is your social enterprise feeling the impacts of COVID-19?

We’re here to help.

COVID-19 has had a profound impact on social enterprises across Australia. Many have had to swiftly pivot to find new revenue models and ways of working, while ensuring they continue to provide appropriate care for the people they support. This can be challenging.

Social Impact Hub, with the support of the Paul Ramsay Foundation, KPMG and Westpac Foundation, are collaborating to offer vital business support to help social enterprises through this time.   


RISE is a collaboration drawing on the skills of corporate Australia, including KPMG, Westpac, MinterEllison, Boston Consulting Group, Atlassian and others, with employees volunteering their time to provide pro bono business support. Members of the Social Impact Hub’s Professional Impact Network are also providing low bono or pro bono support for eligible social enterprises. 

You will have the opportunity to be supported by experts in areas such as business strategy, financial modelling, managing human resources and legal support, based on your business needs. This support will be provided over 3-6 months.

Applications are currently by invitation only.

Did you know we have a FREE workshop series as part of the RISE program?

“It has been so positive being connected to my mentor - she has been such a great support and has so many great ideas and initiatives. She has been helping me with some longer-term strategic planning, and we are making progress on things that have all been made possible by her support and guidance!”

Rachel Reilly | Project Respect

To be eligible to access RISE your enterprise must:

  • be operating in Australia;

  • be sourcing or working towards sourcing the majority of its revenue through trade of socially or environmentally sustainable products or services rather than through grants, donations; and,

  • have a mission to directly address social, cultural or environmental needs through the trade of goods and services rather than indirectly through socially responsible practices

Please express your interest as soon as possible so we can find the right support for you.

Priority will be given to social enterprises: 

  • Working to support youth employment; or,

  • Those focused on addressing social disadvantage and job creation or employment pathways; or,

  • Those with revenues of more than $1 million or with more than 5 employees.


Applications are currently by invitation only.

Become a Social Enterprise Mentor

We’re marshalling professionals to help social enterprises in need.
Are you up for the challenge?

RISE involves:



A 1 hr initial scoping call with a Social Impact Hub consultant to understand your needs and the best opportunities for support.


Mentor matching

Eligible social enterprises will be matched with a skilled mentor who will support your enterprise for at least 2 hours a week for 3-6 months.   


Pro bono advisory support matching

If your enterprise has a focus on youth employment, you may be eligible for pro bono advisory support (funded through philanthropy) from a specialist. Low bono advisory support (subsidised) will also be available for other eligible social enterprises to access specialist advisory assistance.



There is a feedback process, so as your needs change and additional needs arise, you may access additional expertise.



You will be invited to join regular workshops, where we will explore topics relevant to the social enterprise sector during this challenging time,  and share resources, tips, insights and stories of social enterprise pivots.


Whether it’s pivoting a business model to find new potential revenue streams or finding ways to adjust financial plans to ensure cashflow is stabilised, you will receive tailored support to help with your immediate needs.

Interested to serve as a skilled volunteer to help social enterprises in need? Click here.

“The program has really helped - increased revenue, new opportunities, improved systems, leadership evolution and overall feeling of support from someone that believes in the vision and helps by asking the right questions.”

Yas Grigaliunas | World's Biggest Garage Sale

RISE in action:

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JUTE Theatre Company

JUTE Theatre Company is focused on creating and sharing culturally diverse stories, especially of first nations people. They work with emerging indigenous and youth artists to perform and tour stories and give workshops about storytelling and belonging. JUTE has been seriously impacted by COVID - through lost box office sales and cancellations of their remote workshops in indigenous communities. JUTE reached out to the RISE program seeking assistance with strategies to generate new revenue streams, developing plans around business development and strategic partnerships.

A small team of pro-bono mentors have been working with JUTE on this project, researching the revenue streams of similar arts based organisations, identiying funding opportunties and developing other strategies to diversify revenue streams.

“It is such a great process and the board wanted to make sure that you knew how well the project is progressing and to say thank you for providing us with such a great team to support the growth of JUTE.”

- Suellen Maunder, CEO at JUTE Theatre Company

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The Sustainable Gardener

Warren has been running a social enterprise gardening and maintenance company, which trains and employs less-abled people whilst growing gardens using sustainable techniques and products, for over 10 years.  Warren reached out for assistance with marketing, strategies for scaling and succession planning. With great support from a mentor and some coaching in the program, Warren has grown the business, training more teams, despite challenging times.

My mentors advice on marketing using social media has been implemented and resulted in more new business. I'm very grateful for the support in linking us with professional services and mentors. The support is enabling us to develop a succession plan to perpetuate our social enterprise.”

- Warren Aitken, CEO at The Sustainable Gardener


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Inc Kid

Inc Kid is an inclusive children’s clothing company, offering beautiful, practical adaptive clothing lines designed to fit leg braces, splints and other aides used by kids with special needs. The designs include features for easy dressing including big neck and sleeve openings, expandable sleeves, velcro enclosures and deep arm holes, all with stretchy natural fabrics and no tags. As an earlier stage enterprise, inc kid struggled with impacts from COVID as production and sales were affected. Rebecca, founder of inc kid, was matched with a mentor in the program for support with financial modelling, marketing considerations, and thinking through feasibility of different possible directions for production and sales.


Social enterprises are critical to our social fabric and we want to help the sector emerge from the crisis intact, and with the potential to grow. Established in response to COVID-19, this new initiative gives social enterprises the opportunity to access the skills and expertise of corporate Australia and social enterprise specialists to help them find solutions to challenges they’re facing.

Applications are currently by invitation only.

Looking for answers? Check out the FREE RISE worshop recordings.

An initiative of


Supported by


Participating organisations

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