Harvard Club of Australia
Ferris Family Fellowships 2025

The Harvard Club of Australia (HCA) is supporting not-for-profit leaders with an opportunity to study at Harvard Business School in the United States.

Applications reopen in 2026 - subscribe for updates and explore similar opportunities open now.

In recognition of the strong social and economic significance of the not-for-profit sector to the Australian community, The Harvard Club of Australia is offering 2 x Fellowships to attend the highly regarded seven-day course Strategic Perspectives in Not-for-Profit Management at the Harvard Business School.

The Harvard Club of Australia Not-for-Profit Fellowships help fulfill the increasing demand for managerial skills and strategic decision-making within the not-for-profit sector. The course will assist participants to examine their missions, develop new strategies and improve the effectiveness of their organisations.

“This has been one of the best experiences I have had. It has taught me not only how to be the CEO of a not-for-profit but also how to do the hard work of leadership and stay the course. I feel so much more confident in my role now and learned more in one week than I think I have in years of professional development.”

Renee Wilson
CEO at Australian War Widows

Course Overview

Today's not-for-profit organisations are faced with shifting demands for services, resource constraints, and diverse operational challenges. They must also learn to navigate the advent of new technology and new sources of funding.

To fulfill their missions, not-for-profit leaders must step up their game and create organisations that can thrive in the midst of change. Exploring crucial concepts and skills for not-for-profit leadership, this program will prepare you to strengthen management and accountability while leading the evolution needed to create an effective, high-performing organisation.

This program delivers the strategic perspectives, practical frameworks, and leadership skills you need to drive high performance across the organization. You will leave prepared to take decisive action and create a more responsive, successful, and sustainable not-for-profit organisations.

What You Will Learn

Through a rich learning experience that includes faculty presentations, case studies on not-for-profit organisations, group exercises, and structured and informal group discussions, you will explore how today’s not-for-profit leaders are tackling a broad range of challenges. As you enhance core skills crucial to leading not-for-profit organisations, you will prepare to implement new strategies and drive change across your organisation.

Who Should Attend?

Not-for-profit executive directors and chief executive officers who are responsible for shaping the direction, mission, policies, and major programs of their organisations - and who have been in their current role for at least one year by the program start date. Participating organisations must be public-serving not-for-profit, fully operational, and out of the startup phase; they typically have operating budgets in excess of AUD$1.5 million and deductible Gift Recipient Item 1 status.

Key Dates





MARCH 2025


APRIL 2025


14 MAY 2025


27 JULY - 2 AUGUST 2025


“My journey since the course – alongside a group of great and passionate people, of course – has meant that Australia now has a voluntary product stewardship scheme for clothing and textiles, with a vision for totally changing the [circular economy] game in Australia.”

Matt Davis
CEO at The Salvation Army Salvos Stores

Scholarship Details

Recipients of the 2025 Ferris Family Fellowships will attend the Strategic Perspectives in Not-for-Profit Management course at the Harvard Business School Campus, Boston, USA in July 2025.

There are two Non-Profit Fellowships available for 2025.

The award of $A17,500 each covers the course fees, accommodation, meals and travel to/from Boston. HCA also encourage Fellows to visit kindred organisations while in North America.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants for the 2025 Fellowships must:

  • Be an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident

  • Be the full-time head of their organisation (General Manager, Chief Executive or Executive Director)

  • Have been in that organisation in that role or directly reporting to it for at least 12 months

  • Be committed to full-time attendance at the 2025 SPNM course and to live on campus

  • Have not previously attended this or any similar course

  • Commit to attend the Harvard Club’s Awards Luncheon to be held in Sydney in 14 May 2025

The applicant must lead a not-for-profit organisation that:

  • Has at least 5 full-time employees and an operating budget greater than AUS$1.5 million

  • Directly serves the Australian community and is not principally a fundraising, advocacy, or coordinating entity (e.g. a peak/industry body or consulting firm) 

  • Has a functioning Board of Directors; is audited and produces an Annual Report

  • Meets the Australian definition of a not-for-profit, with Deductible Gift Recipient 1 (DGR1) status

The selection of Fellows will be based on the same basis that Harvard uses to select course participants. Particular emphasis will be placed on:

  • The specific challenge/opportunity the applicant wishes to address at the SPNM course

  • The applicant’s overall goals and vision in attending the course

  • The organisation’s and the applicant’s ability to have impact in the community

  • The applicant’s ability to improve not-for-profit leadership skills within Australia

Application & Assessment Process

Social Impact Hub is proud to support the Harvard Club of Australia by facilitating and managing the application process on its behalf. To apply for a Harvard Club of Australia Non-Profit Fellowship, please complete the online application process via the Social Impact Hub application portal here.

*Endorsement letters should be written by the chair of your organisation.

If you need assistance with the application process, please contact the team at Social Impact Hub before the application deadline. Late applications will not be accepted.

The Harvard Club of Australia will be managing the assessment, interview and selection process for this scholarship. If you have any questions about this process, please contact HCA directly.

Applications for the Harvard Club of Australia Ferris Family Fellowships will close on 2 February 2025 at 11:59 pm AEDT.

Applications reopen in 2026 - subscribe for updates and explore similar opportunities open now

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