RISE Women
Leveraging professional skills to increase social enterprise’s ability to deliver outcomes for women facing disadvantage
As part of our Resilience and Impact for Social Enterprises (RISE) program, RISE Women provides tailored support to social enterprises that help women in NSW facing disadvantage.
Supported by the NSW Government, through the Office for Social Impact Investment Capability Building Program (CBP), the Social Impact Hub can provide funded support to help women-focused social enterprises develop, grow and maximise their social impact.
If your organisation is a Social Enterprise, operating in NSW and has a focus on supporting women facing disadvantage, you may be eligible to receive this funded support.
Social Impact Hub will support established social enterprises with:
Tailored advisory services to build organisational capability in numerous areas including strategy development, business model and governance reviews, impact measurement, financial modeling, diversifying revenue, and investment readiness. Read more about our types of capability-building support here.
Successful applicants will receive between six and twelve days of funded tailored advisory support to develop their capacity to implement their impact.
Education including masterclasses and online learning modules.
Who can apply?
This opportunity is for social enterprises who focus on women facing disadvantages to improve their health, economic independence, and/or well-being. To be considered a social enterprise, an organisation must satisfy each of the criteria below:
be established with a social, cultural, or environmental purpose consistent with a public and/or community benefit with a focus on women facing disadvantage across health, economic independence, and/or wellbeing
trade commercially in NSW to fulfil their purpose
derive a substantial portion of their income from trading commercially
reinvest the majority of their surplus in the fulfilment of their purpose.
Social Traders certification can be used to demonstrate the social enterprise definition is met.
The Social Impact Hub will support established social enterprises (those who have traded for 2 years or more). For Social Enterprises in the early stage of development (3 months to 2 years), please also see the EmpowerHER facilitated by Sefa for the CBP.
Priority will be given to First Nations women-focused social enterprises, women-led social enterprises, and social enterprises in regional/remote locations.
Enterprises who meet the criteria and have a specific challenge they are facing are encouraged to apply.