Our purpose is to enable the full potential of changemakers and capital so that they mobilise change, catalyse social impact and help society and the planet flourish.
Since 2014, Social Impact Hub has been working on impact projects for our clients so we know how important it is to measure outcomes, demonstrate social impact and continually strive for improvement.
We measure our outcomes at Social Impact Hub using client and students surveys, and we demonstrate our impact through a growing collection of impact stories. On this page you can find a selection of our results. We encourage you to get in touch to share stories of how Social Impact Hub has impacted your work.
“The input of Social Impact Hub was critical to our ability to raise capital. At every stage these consultants were key advisors and provided practical support and the skill set necessary to make the raise happen.”
— Marissa Sandler | Careseekers
How we create change
This theory of change is the backbone of everything we do. Informed by our mission, vision and values and guided by our strategic objectives, it shows the impact we aim for and how we believe we can achieve our ultimate goal of accelerating positive social change for a better world.
If we…
support changemakers to design, demonstrate and scale their impact
collaborating to provide impact education, strategic advice and ecosystem building initiatives
and by…
mobilising capital for impact
we can…
enable changemakers to drive meaningful, lasting and growing impact
so that…
the full potential of changemakers and capital is harnessed for the benefit of society and our planet.
By the numbers
Here’s just some of the ways we’re making a difference.
changemakers activated
social purpose organisations where we have built capacity
social enterprises supported to get impact investment ready
“I gained a deep understanding of impact investing and invaluable insight into the behind-the-scenes of running a live social enterprise. This helped me to develop a social and ethical entrepreneurial attitude and realise the importance of leadership to drive positive change, which has encouraged me to become a changemaker in my career.”
— Dinusha | UNSW Student
Our ecosystem
We're proud to be part of a growing impact ecosystem, which some of our initiatives and activities are contributing to build (but we're definitely not solely responsible for!)
Australian B Corps
Australian impact investment market
Australian impact investors
By purchasing and partnering with social purpose organisations, we are committed to ensuring ethical, sustainable and responsible procurement in our supply chains and operations.
Working with Aboriginal organisations, leaders and communities
We’re passionate about working side by side with the Aboriginal organisations to build capacity and capability to achieve their desired outcomes.
Indi Kindi
Through the RISE program, we were able to connect Indi Kindi with Dr Galia Barhava-Monteith and Margot Tong. Galia, a former BCG consultant, is a psychologist by training with a PhD in person-centred healthcare, and an expert on organisational culture. Margot Tong, a Project Leader at BCG with extensive experience in areas including health, disability, and children's and family services, supported Galia with the research and co-authored the report. The Barhava Report, launched in August 2020, was the culmination of their work with the Indi Kindi team.
Nundah Community Enterprises Cooperative
We worked alongside Nundah Community Enterprises Cooperative (NCEC) as part of Impact Investment Australia's Resilience Grant to help the organisation better articulate its impact and improve its capacity to seek impact investment funds to grow their impact. This involved development of Theory of Change and impact measurement framework, financial modelling and investment strategy and creating the value proposition and pitch deck for investors.
APY Art Centre Collective
The APY Art Centre Collective (APYACC) is a group of 10 Indigenous owned and governed enterprises. We created a Theory of Change and Impact Report for APYACC to better articulate the social, cultural and economic outcomes they create for the Anangu artists based on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands.