RISE Program Workshop Recordings

In response to COVID-19 and with the generous support of the Paul Ramsay Foundation and Westpac Foundation, we are running a FREE workshop series as part of the RISE program.


Are you looking to measure the impact your enterprise is having on its stakeholders? Do you want to demonstrate and articulate your impact to gain the confidence and support of customers, funders, and impact investors?

In this RISE workshop, Tiphanie Au from the NSW Office of Social Impact Investment (OSII) explores outcomes measurement and how it can benefit your organisation.

Many organisations struggle to execute efficiently on their strategies. It is easy to get caught up in day to day issues and lose sight of what is important, when so much is perceived to be urgent.

In this RISE workshop, Geoff Briggs from Social Impact Hub's Professional Impact Network guides you through an established methodology to better articulate your organisational strategy, engage team members in the process to ensure their alignment.


Are you wondering how to support your people to thrive in a hybrid world so that they achieve productivity and wellbeing, and can contribute effectively to innovation in a way that works for your organisation?

If so, you’re not alone. The pathway from today to the future of work is something leaders and their teams are grappling with across the social sector.

In this RISE workshop, Leadership Space shares tips and tricks to enable greater individual and team effectiveness. They introduce a mental model to support helpful strategic conversations as well as tips and tricks to enable greater team and meeting performance as we navigate the increasing fluidity of our online and face-to-face worlds.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Many organisations struggle to articulate their business model and be clear on how it creates value and impact for the people they serve. With all the uncertainties COVID-19 has thrown at the for-purpose sector, it’s never been more important to have a clear grasp on your business model to set your organisation up for success, maximise your impact and de-risk key business activities.

In this RISE workshop, Poppy Rouse from Social Impact Hub's Professional Impact Network guides you through the Social Lean Canvas - an established methodology to help you clearly articulate your business model.

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Has COVID-19 thrown your social enterprise a new set of challenges to overcome? Have you always wanted to learn structured ways to approach problem-solving?

In this RISE workshop, Karen Williams from Social Impact Hub's Professional Impact Network facilitates a practical, insight-filled deep dive on problem-solving and how it can benefit social enterprises and purpose-driven businesses. If you’re looking to better understand how to think about and solve problems, Karen introduces a variety of frameworks, techniques, approaches and case studies to help boost your capability to confidently indentify the key steps to resolving problems quickly and effectively.

Have you got an idea for impact but don’t know how to bring this to life? Or is your current enterprise needing to pivot and tell its story differently?

Whether your business needs branding or rebranding – or whether you just want to know how branding can be done better in the world of social impact…

In this RISE workshop, Irma del Mundo from Social Impact Hub's Professional Impact Network does a deep dive into branding strategy for enterprises that want to not only do good but be better.


Ever wondered what digital transformation means and how it is relevant to your social enterprise or purpose-driven business?

In this 90-minute online workshop, Tim Prosser from the Social Impact Hub's Professional Impact Network, deep dives into digital transformation and why, in a post-COVID world, it has never been more important. Watch the recording to understand what digital transformation means for your organisation, how to choose a transformation strategy, and the major digital technology trends in progressive organisations.

Have you heard a lot about Theory of Change and want to understand what it actually means? Do you want to articulate the impact of your enterprise and document this in a Theory of Change?

In this 90-minute online workshop, Rachel Findlay from the Social Impact Hub's Professional Impact Network introduces Theory of Change as a way to understand better and measure your impact. Watch the workshop recording to learn what a Theory of Change is and why is it important, as well as a step by step guide to help you develop one for your organisation.


Once you’ve completed a Theory of Change it can be challenging to figure out how to use it in your marketing and communications.

In this 90-minute online workshop, Hannah Sturrock from the Social Impact Hub's Professional Impact Network shows you how to take your Theory of Change and focus attention on the ‘Golden Thread’: the multi-part sentence capturing the journey from here to there. Hannah explores ways to adapt the Golden Thread into communications for your brand - its purpose, vision, mission, and story. The outputs are a compelling and emotive messaging framework for your website, grant applications, PR outreach, and marketing.

Looking to measure the impact your enterprise is having on its stakeholders? Want to demonstrate and articulate your impact to gain the confidence and support of customers, funders, and impact investors?

In this 90-minute online workshop, Rachel Findlay from Social Impact Hub's Professional Impact Network explores outcomes measurement and how it can benefit your organisation. Watch the recording to better understand outcomes measurement and learn from practical tools and tangible case studies to help you develop an outcomes measurement framework. If you are from a social enterprise or purpose-driven business looking to better measure your impact, this is the workshop you have been waiting for.


Curious to find out how technology trends can help your social enterprise sustain and scale your impact?

In this 90-minute online workshop, Tim Prosser from Social Impact Hub's Professional Impact Network covers the latest technology trends and how to incorporate them into your purpose enterprise. Discover how to develop an initial technology strategic plan and learn from case studies from social enterprises and purpose-driven businesses.

Social media can be frustrating. It takes a lot of time. And how do you know it's actually driving results?

In this jam-packed workshop, Adam Long, a member of Social Impact Hub's Professional Impact Network and TheEthicalCEO.com shares his insights on what most organisations are doing wrong when it comes to social media and the secret to establishing a solid presence online.


Are you looking to sell your services to other businesses or secure your first enterprise contract? Keen to understand more about how procurement works in organisations and hear how social enterprises have successfully delivered their services to businesses?

Watch Joanne Kennett from Westpac’s Group Procurement and Partnerships team and Olivia Cozzolino from Social Traders in this insight-filled workshop for social enterprises and purpose-driven businesses looking to navigate the world of social procurement and deliver services and products to businesses. Get an understanding of procurement and what corporates look for when choosing a supplier, tips and tricks on how to maximise your chances of securing a supplier contract, and where many social enterprises go wrong.

Looking to determine the best legal structure to maximise your impact and achieve your mission? Keen to hear how the likes of Chuffed and Two Good Co have structured themselves to achieve their profit-for-purpose agendas and changing needs? Need a clear and concise toolkit to help you make better decisions around your legal structure and constitution?

This online workshop is a practical, insight-filled session for social enterprises and purpose-driven businesses looking to navigate their legal structure to maximise their impact and best position themselves for future growth. Learn about the Social Enterprise Legal Toolkit and learn from experts on how to better position your organisation in line with your mission and objectives.


Looking to better understand the human experiences that influence your organisation? Keen to develop and use customer research tools such as surveys and focus groups to maximise your impact?

Knowing your customers is key to maximising your growth and impact if you're a social enterprise or purpose-driven business. Whether you want to (re)design your customer experience or create more engaging content - a deep understanding of your customers and their experiences is critical. In this workshop, Courtney Leo and Christopher Sherley from EY Sweeney deep dive into customer research to help guide your strategy and day-to-day actions. To request the materials from this workshop, please contact us.

Social entrepreneur or purpose-driven business looking to get a handle on finance and budgeting?

In this workshop, Priyanaka Narayan and Dyan Merz Tolentino from EY’s Financial Accounting Advisory shared key financial management terminology, including financial planning, budgeting and forecasting, and how to manage your cash flow. If you are looking to better manage your social enterprise's finances and are keen to understand the differences between financial statements and what metrics you should be watching to maximise your impact. To request the materials from this workshop, please contact us.


Are you a social enterprise or purpose-driven business looking to better understand and measure your impact?

Watch Matt Bevan from Uniting NSW.ACT and the Social Impact Measurement Network in Australia (SIMNA) in this 90-minute insight-filled workshop for social enterprises and purpose-driven businesses looking to learn more about some of the secrets of outcomes measurement. Follow a tangible case study and learn how to apply the theory in practice.

How do you effectively share your story to create greater impact? What do you need to shape and sell your message to others, including media?

Watch Pia Akerman from the Shape Agency in this 90-minute online workshop for social enterprises and purpose-driven businesses looking to learn more about effective external communications, including media relations. Sit back and enjoy as Pia explores tailoring your message based on your audience and channels and increasing your exposure through positive media coverage.


Want to master your strategic planning and maximise the impact of your organisation? Many organisations struggle to execute efficiently on their strategies. It is easy to get caught up in day to day issues and lose sight of what is important when so much is perceived to be urgent.

In this 90-minute online workshop, Geoff Briggs from our Professional Impact Network guides you through a range of methods and frameworks to help you develop an organisational strategy, engage team members in the process and ensure their alignment. The workshop will build your knowledge on how to approach developing a strategy in your organisation and expose you to example templates and frameworks you can use.

In the last RISE workshop for 2021, we shared experiences and learnings on building a best practice board or advisory board and how it can be used as a tool to improve decision making.

In this 90-minute online workshop, Jon Davies from our Professional Impact Network facilitated a collaborative and practical discussion to understand the right level of governance for your growing organisation and where advisors can help provide insights.